Bleu de Solaise

Pulling the leeks in today’s gale I am soaked in minutes as water streams down my face and soaks my trousers with winter-cold rain. At first it feels as if I am being assaulted, then I get used to it and give myself up to the power of the storm. Out here, high on the granite plateau of Dartmoor, where the extreme climate is different from the rest of Devon the weather is always in control. And it can be very destructive.

Once I am totally wet, I start to really enjoy the ride. I pull some leeks, ‘Bleu de Solaise’- an old French variety with blue grey leaves which turn even darker after a frost. And I thank my lucky stars that I chose to grow this hardy type; these Leeks are perfectly happy to over winter in the ground, even in atrocious weather, which is good, because bad, wet atrocious weather is exactly what we are getting this winter!

Although mild flavoured, these leeks only need a little cream, a sprinkling of grated nutmeg and a golden pastry topping, to become a perfect supper dish. I served mine with a herb salad and all thoughts of the cold wet day….simply melted away.

 For the recipe for ‘La Flamiche aux Poireaux’ click here

12 thoughts on “Bleu de Solaise

    • Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and comment on my blog. I am going to follow you too. How could I not follow a girl who has a dinosaur in her mint!

    • I feel the same about yours. There is one that has really stayed in my mind. It was of tomatoes ( I think) and was part of your blog on the community garden. They looked black, or at least dark purple. Can you tell me what they were?

      • Think it was possibly Tomato ‘Black Russian’, grown in one of our Community gardens in Crumlin. They grow a lot of heirloom varieties from seed, so will check which one.
        Your food photos are scrumptious!

      • Thanks so much. I had to smile when you said ‘Black Russian’ as I have just posted a new blog with a Russian theme! I just have to grow some of those amazing tomatoes. I am so glad you like my photos, it means such a lot when someone takes the time to comment on them.

  1. Your photos are really wonderful! By the way, I’ve been to Dartmoor and have a hard time imagining gardening there! It’s so beautiful but looks so unforgiving.

  2. Thank you so much! I am intrigued that you have visited Dartmoor and yes, it really is a tough environment for gardening. All the plants I love are tall and yet there is always such a lot of wind. Everything has to be staked, even my cauliflower which rock in the ground. I am so close to the elements and often feel at war with them. But on a good day…… is magical- Karen

      • I’m sorry it happened so late, but having more than 1100 followers is a lot of work. It was a great pleasure to see all your wonderful posts, Karen. Regards Mitza

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